The Hiring Challenge is an immersive web experience that casts the user in the role of a soon-to-be parent trying to hire a migrant domestic worker in Hong Kong using an employment agency. Their task? To navigate a series of real-life choices in order to find an agency that provides a professional service, whilst at the same time not exploiting the worker they eventually hire. The task is more difficult than it sounds. The employment agency sector in Hong Kong has historically been plagued by unscrupulous and illegal practices, drawing both local and international criticism. 徵聘挑戰是一個身臨其境的網絡體驗,讓用家置身於一個即將為人父母的角色,透過職業介紹所在港聘請家務移工。他們的任務?就是要作出一系列實況選擇,以覓得一間專業的職業介紹所,同時不會剝削最終聘用的家務移工。這個任務殊不簡單。長久以來,不良及違法作業手段於本港職業介紹業界屢見不鮮,受盡本港及國際批評。
The website is part of the wider work done by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) aimed at raising awareness amongst employers of the exploitation of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong and providing them with tips on how they can contribute towards positive change. The gamified experience has multiple outcomes and provides the user with recommendations on how they can improve their strategy based on their final score. 本網站是國際勞工組織(ILO)的工作之一,旨在提升僱主有關本港剝削家務移工的意識,並提供提示,讓他們可以共創正面轉變。這個遊戲體驗有不同結果,並按用家得分作出建議,以改進策略。
You can learn more about the ILO’s work on fair recruitment here. 你可以按此了解更多ILO的工作。