[[en]]The Hiring Challenge[[zh]]徵聘挑戰
[[en]]Many of us rely on domestic workers to help care for our loved ones and manage our homes. Most of us use an employment agency to help hire the right person. Yet finding a good employment agency is fraught with problems - unlicensed businesses, illegal fees, hidden costs, and poor service. [[zh]]很多人都倚賴家務移工來照顧我們的摯愛和家居,而絕大部份都會經職業介紹所聘請合適移工。然而,要找得一間好的職業介紹所,過程中充斥種種問題—無牌經營、非法收費、隱藏收費,以及劣質服務。
[[en]]Are you savvy enough to identify a professional agency that can find the right person to help look after your home and family? Take The Hiring Challenge and see how you fare.[[zh]]你是否渴望能夠辨識一間專業的職業介紹所,以聘得合適人才來幫忙照顧家庭和居所?來接受這個徵聘挑戰,看你有幾「精」!
  • [[en]]As you progress you will gain or lose points based on your answers. Check your progress on the score bar.[[zh]]你會因著你的作答而在過程中得到或失去一些分數。你可以在得分欄查看進度。
  • [[en]]If you do well, you will advance faster by skipping problems you have avoided.[[zh]]如果做得好,你會避過了些問題,從而晉級得較快。

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The Hiring Challenge is an immersive web experience that casts the user in the role of a soon-to-be parent trying to hire a migrant domestic worker in Hong Kong using an employment agency. Their task? To navigate a series of real-life choices in order to find an agency that provides a professional service, whilst at the same time not exploiting the worker they eventually hire. The task is more difficult than it sounds. The employment agency sector in Hong Kong has historically been plagued by unscrupulous and illegal practices, drawing both local and international criticism. 徵聘挑戰是一個身臨其境的網絡體驗,讓用家置身於一個即將為人父母的角色,透過職業介紹所在港聘請家務移工。他們的任務?就是要作出一系列實況選擇,以覓得一間專業的職業介紹所,同時不會剝削最終聘用的家務移工。這個任務殊不簡單。長久以來,不良及違法作業手段於本港職業介紹業界屢見不鮮,受盡本港國際批評。

The website is part of the wider work done by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) aimed at raising awareness amongst employers of the exploitation of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong and providing them with tips on how they can contribute towards positive change. The gamified experience has multiple outcomes and provides the user with recommendations on how they can improve their strategy based on their final score. 本網站是國際勞工組織(ILO)的工作之一,旨在提升僱主有關本港剝削家務移工的意識,並提供提示,讓他們可以共創正面轉變。這個遊戲體驗有不同結果,並按用家得分作出建議,以改進策略。

You can learn more about the ILO’s work on fair recruitment here. 你可以按此了解更多ILO的工作。

[[en]]Further Information[[zh]]更多資料

If you are interested to learn more about the issues covered in The Hiring Challenge check out the links below: 如果你想了解更多徵聘挑戰涉及的議題,請按以下鏈結參閱:

[[en]]View All Recommendations[[zh]]查看所有建議

[[en]]Tips for a more professional hiring experience.[[zh]]讓你聘得更專業的提示。


  • [[en]]Ask trusted sources for recommendations, particularly friends and family who have used an agency before.[[zh]]向可靠來源索取建議,尤其是使用過職業介紹所的親友
  • Check the Employment Agencies Portal for whether an agency is licenced or has been penalised for bad practice.勞工處的職業介紹所專題網站 查閱職業介紹所有否牌照,或有否因不良操守而被罰
  • [[en]]Check with the relevant consulate that the agency is accredited by them. If not, they may be using another agency as a proxy in the hiring process.[[zh]]與相關的領事館核對職業介紹所是否獲其認可。若否,該介紹所或在聘請過程中使用另一介紹所作掩飾。
  • [[en]]Check the agency provides a list of all services and expenses included in the price.[[zh]]要求介紹所提供收費中包含的所有服務及支出
  • [[en]]Ask the agency what they will charge the worker you hire.[[zh]]詢問介紹所會向你的家務移工收取甚麼費用

[[en]]If you get satisfactory answers then the agency may be trustworthy and you can move on to the next step.[[zh]]如果你得到滿意的答案,意即該職業介紹所可以信靠,你可以繼續聘請程序。

[[en]]During hiring:[[zh]]聘請時:

  • [[en]]Make sure the agency understands your living situation and requirements so they only refer workers that are a good match.[[zh]]確保職業介紹所明瞭你的生活處境及需求,以便他們介紹合適的家務移工。
  • [[en]]Ask for a standard service agreement.[[zh]]要求一份標準的服務同意書。
  • [[en]]Ask the agency to take you through the employment contract you will sign with the domestic worker.[[zh]]要求職業介紹所向你詳細解說你將與家務移工簽署的僱傭合約。
  • [[en]]Ask the agency to explain your rights and obligations.[[zh]]要求職業介紹所解釋你的權利與義務。
  • [[en]]Ensure the agency arranges interviews with the domestic workers that you shortlist before hiring.[[zh]]確保介紹所在你聘用家務移工前,為你和篩選出來的移工安排面試。
  • [[en]]Ask the agency for an itemised receipt.[[zh]]要求介紹所提供列明細項的收據

[[en]]If you receive satisfactory service it is likely the agency is professional. Nevertheless, it is important to check with your new employee whether the service they experienced matches yours.[[zh]]如果你獲得良好服務,該職業介紹所應該是專業的。雖然如此,了解你新聘請的家務移工是否同獲良好服務都很重要。


  • [[en]]Ask your domestic worker whether the agency provided a contract in a language they can understand?[[zh]]詢問你的家務移工,職業介紹所有否提供一份以他們明白的語言所寫的合約?
  • [[en]]Ask your domestic worker whether they are in possession of their own identity documents.[[zh]]詢問你的家務移工他們是否持有自己的身份證明文件。
  • [[en]]Ask your domestic worker how much the recruitment agency charged them and whether they were given receipts.[[zh]]詢問你的家務移工,招聘公司收取了他們多少錢,並有否給予收據。
  • [[en]]Ask your domestic worker whether the agency informed them about the nature of the job, living and working arrangements.[[zh]]詢問你的家務移工,職業介紹所有否向他們講述工作性質、住宿及工作安排。

[[en]]If this was a positive service experience for you and your domestic worker then this provides an invaluable foundation your working relationship.[[zh]]如果你和你的家務移工都有良好的服務體驗,這將為你們奠下重要的工作關係基礎。

If not, and you have evidence that Hong Kong laws or regulations have been violated then please report the agency to the Employment Agency Administration. 如否,加上你有職業介紹所違法或違規的證據,請向勞工處職業介紹所事務科舉報。


[[en]]You and your partner are expecting a baby. Your elderly mother lives with you and increasingly needs support. You both work so decide to hire a domestic worker to help out at home. You need a professional employment agency to find someone who matches your needs but you are new to this.[[zh]]你和你的伴侶正迎接新生命的來臨,而與你同住的年邁母親亦愈加需要支援。因此,在職的你們決定聘請家務移工幫忙。你們需要一間專業的職業介紹所,來尋找合適人選,但你在這方面是個新手。

You and your partner are expecting a baby. Your elderly mother lives with you and increasingly needs support. You both work so decide to hire a domestic worker to help out at home. You need a professional employment agency to find someone who matches your needs but you are new to this.

Do you:


  • A
    [[en]]Search online to see which agencies have the best prices.[[zh]]上網搜尋最優惠的職業介紹所
  • B
    [[en]]Visit the government’s Employment Agencies Portal to see what advice they give.[[zh]]看看政府的職業介紹所專題網站有何建議
  • C
    [[en]]Ask a close friend who has hired a domestic worker which agency they recommend.[[zh]]請最近聘請了家務移工的密友推薦職業介紹所

[[en]]Your research provides some useful insights, yet with over 1,400 registered employment agencies in Hong Kong you need to narrow down your options further. You visit a local mall where several agencies have offices. You pass one promoting a limited offer - ‘Hire with us and trial up to three applicants for one fixed price! [[zh]]你們搜集到有用的參考資料。但香港有超過1,400間已登記的職業介紹所,你們需要收窄選擇範圍,於是到訪一個有幾間職業介紹所的商場,且經過一間提供限時優惠的介紹所,寫道:「一個價錢,可試用三個移工,經我們聘請吧!」

Your research provides some useful insights, yet with over 1,400 registered employment agencies in Hong Kong you need to narrow down your options further. You visit a local mall where several agencies have offices. You pass one promoting a limited offer - ‘Hire with us and trial up to three applicants for one fixed price!

Do you:


  • A
    [[en]]Ask if they will give you a discount for trialling two applicants instead of three?[[zh]]問他們如果只試用兩位移工,可否給予折扣?
  • B
    [[en]]Take up the offer. Trialling three applicants should ensure you find one who suits your needs.[[zh]]選擇這間介紹所,並試用三位移工,以確保找到一個合適的。
  • C
    [[en]]Sounds too good to be true. You decide to pass on the offer and visit other agencies in the mall.[[zh]]覺得事有蹺蹊,並決定行過,繼續看其他職業介紹所。

[[en]]You narrow down your search to two employment agencies and decide to visit both. At the first you are told to fill out one simple form and they will do the rest. They charge HKD9,000. At the second, they require you to complete a long questionnaire about your needs and family circumstances. They charge HKD12,000.[[zh]]你們篩選了兩間職業介紹所,並決定到訪這兩間公司。第一間公司請你們填寫一份簡單表格,並表示他們會處理餘下部份,合共收費港幣9千元。第二間公司請你們填寫一份有關你們的需要及家庭狀況的詳盡問卷,並收費港幣1萬2千元。

You narrow down your search to two employment agencies and decide to visit both. At the first you are told to fill out one simple form and they will do the rest. They charge HKD9,000. At the second, they require you to complete a long questionnaire about your needs and family circumstances. They charge HKD12,000.

Do you:


  • A
    [[en]]Choose the agency charging HKD9,000. Value for money and simplicity are important to you.[[zh]]選擇收費9千元的職業介紹所,因為划算和手續簡單於你們而言很重要。
  • B
    [[en]]Choose the agency charging HKD12,000. Ensuring your hire matches the family’s needs could prevent problems later.[[zh]]選擇收費1萬2千元的職業介紹所,因為聘得切合家庭需要的移工能避免後患。
  • C
    [[en]]Ask both agencies to provide a breakdown of their fees – for you and the domestic worker. You want more information before making a decision. [[zh]]要求兩間公司列出向你和家務移工徵收的費用細項,以便了解更多才作出決定。

[[en]]You settle on an agency and two months later a member of staff brings Joyce, your new domestic worker, to your home. As the agent is about to leave, the agent hands you Joyce’s passport and tells you to keep it safe to prevent her ‘job hopping’ before she has paid back her recruitment fees. [[zh]]你們終於選定了一間職業介紹所。兩個月後,職員帶Joyce到你們家擔當家務移工。職員準備離開時,將Joyce的護照交給你們,並囑咐你們要妥善保存,以防Joyce在還清招聘費前「跳槽」。

You settle on an agency and two months later a member of staff brings Joyce, your new domestic worker, to your home. As the agent is about to leave, the agent hands you Joyce’s passport and tells you to keep it safe to prevent her ‘job hopping’ before she has paid back her recruitment fees.

Do you:


  • A
    [[en]]Say no and give the passport back to him. It is best not to be involved in Joyce’s finances. [[zh]]拒絕,並交還護照給職員,以免牽涉於Joyce的財務狀況。
  • B
    [[en]]Agree to hold Joyce’s passport. You invested a lot of time and money to bring her here, if she leaves you will have to start over again. [[zh]]同意保管Joyce的護照,因為你們花了很多時間和金錢去聘請她。若她離開,你們又要重新聘請。
  • C
    [[en]]Take the passport but give it back to Joyce. [[zh]]取去護照,並交還給Joyce。

[[en]]A couple of months later, a member of staff from the agency phones to tell you Joyce is behind with her loan repayments. He asks if you can take her to the convenience store next time you pay her salary to make sure she pays the next instalment? [[zh]]幾個月後,職業介紹所職員來電告訴你們, Joyce逾期還款,並希望你們下次支薪時,帶她到便利店,以確保她繳交下期債項。

A couple of months later, a member of staff from the agency phones to tell you Joyce is behind with her loan repayments. He asks if you can take her to the convenience store next time you pay her salary to make sure she pays the next instalment?

Do you:
幾個月後,職業介紹所職員來電告訴你們, Joyce逾期還款,並希望你們下次支薪時,帶她到便利店,以確保她繳交下期債項。


  • A
    [[en]]Tell him no. It is not your responsibility to ensure Joyce pays her debts. [[zh]]拒絕,因為你們沒有責任去確保Joyce償還債項。
  • B
    [[en]]Agree. If Joyce gets deeper into debt it might affect her work performance. [[zh]]同意,因為若Joyce的債務加重,或會影響她的工作表現。
  • C
    [[en]]Tell him you will call him back, then talk to Joyce to find out what is going on and then decide what to do. [[zh]]請該職員等候你們的回電。然後,你們向Joyce了解來龍去脈,並決定如何應對。

[[en]]Congratulations! By being conscientious you have avoided a number of problems employers experience when using unscrupulous agencies. You have moved forward two chapters.[[zh]]恭喜! 你的正直讓你避開了很多因為僱用無良僱傭公司而產生的問題。你已向前移動兩篇。

[[en]]You successfully identified a professional agency. Joyce, the domestic worker they helped you hire, is a great worker. The agency told you that she is entitled to a full 24-hour rest day once per week. But every day there are so many chores to do plus the baby. How will you manage if she is gone for a whole day? [[zh]]你已成功找出一間專業的僱傭公司。你聘請的家務工Joyce是一個好幫手。僱傭公司告訴你,她每星期可享有一天24小時的休假。但每一天都有大量家務,還要照顧寶寶。若Joyce離家一整天,你將如何應付?

You successfully identified a professional agency. Joyce, the domestic worker they helped you hire, is a great worker. The agency told you that she is entitled to a full 24-hour rest day once per week. But everyday there are so many chores to do plus the baby. How will you manage if she is gone for a whole day?

Do you:


  • A
    [[en]]Tell Joyce she must take care of the laundry and breakfast before going out on her rest day. It is the only practical solution. [[zh]]要求Joyce休假外出前,幫忙洗衣服及煮早餐。
  • B
    [[en]]Ask Joyce if she minds helping out with the household chores on her rest day? Tell her you will pay an extra HKD50. [[zh]]問Joyce會否介意休假時幫忙做家務,你們會額外給她港幣50元作酬勞。
  • C
    [[en]]Tell Joyce she is free to do whatever she likes on her rest day. You’ll find a way to manage. [[zh]]告訴Joyce可以在休假做自己喜歡的事,你們會找方法應付。

[[en]]Your final score is[[zh]]你的最終分數是  [[en]]out of 12.[[zh]]分(滿分 12 分)